Olivier Award
for 'Wolf Witch Giant Fairy' by Little Bulb
for 'Bucket List' by Theatre Ad Infinitum
"Shamira Turner does so much with very little – her physicality does most of the work, even in tiny apertures...It’s an unpredictable, enjoyable but brutal show, that I highly recommend to those looking for properly good weird theatre.”
Dominic Duckworth on 'An Execution'
"The multi-rolling is excellent, in particular Shamira Turner and Angela Bain who cross gender with confidence and conviction”
Paul T Davies on 'Brighton Rock'
“Shamira Turner's hilarious, knowing pout is worth the price of the ticket on its own.”
Sebastian Scotney, on 'Orpheus'
“At the heart of it all is Shamira Turner as Robert, head tilted and hands stiffened in a stylised picture of social awkwardness, her clipped consonants and Brief Encounter vowels at one with Barritt's surreal images of bygone emporiums and chintz sitting rooms. Whatever befalls the wretched Robert the wistful monotony of Turner's voice never falters. She is magnificent.”
Mark Valencia, on 'Golem'
"Pastor and Turner are incredibly multi-talented, not only playing multiple instruments but swapping between them within songs, playing while performing dance routines and generally clowning around."
Lilith Wozniak, on 'DoppelDänger'
"the brilliantly-executed performances from all four actors, and the rich onslaught of surprising and entertaining visual images that unfold, are more than enough to keep us enthralled in our captivity."
Dorothy Max Prior, on 'An Execution'
“Suffice it to say that all are excellent, but that Robert Robertson’s lurching walk and caressing vowels will linger with me longest.”
Alexandra Coghlan, on 'Golem'
“the sheer versatility of Shamira Turner (both in performance and vocally) made her the ideal masculine presence in the show”
Alex Wood on 'Bucket List'
“The play follows three siblings…They are played by Little Bulb's Shamira Turner, Clare Beresford and Dom Conway – all adult performers. These actors invested their performances with such conviction that it was completely possible to believe in them as children. Even the way they stood and moved was utterly convincing.”
Natasha Tripney, on 'Crocosmia'
"there is no shortage of evocative and spell-binding moments of poignancy, and Shamira Turner in particular provides marvellous comic relief through song and impersonations."
Abigail Bryant, on 'Bucket List'
"Turner and Pastor (who together comprise She Goat) are talented musicians, playing a variety of instruments. They use their bodies boldly, in a way that is still rare to see in women on stage. Sometimes they are loosely strung marionettes, jerky and awkward, sometimes entwined with the intimacy of lovers."
Tracey Sinclair, on 'DoppelDänger'
"Deadpan, absurdist silliness crafted so exquisitely that it becomes high art.”
Ka Bradley, on 'An Execution'
“…we sense the eight performers’ apparently limitless energy, which allows them to sing, act and play their instruments brilliantly — often all three at once. …special mention should go to the chorus, who bring us physical theatre at its most hilarious.”
Hannah Nepil, on 'Orpheus'
”the cast are affable, funny, and very talented, swapping instruments as regularly as costumes and never being anything other than impressive."
Jack Pelling, on 'Operation Greenfield'
”The exceptionally talented female trio who provide narration (the triplettes de l’antiquite) sing angelically and harmoniously – not to mention they’re hilarious."
Gemma Whitfield, on 'Orpheus'